10-Question IQ Test for Entrepreneurs: Are You a Business Genius?

Find out if you're a business genius with our 10-question IQ test for entrepreneurs. Test your knowledge and strategic thinking skills.

1. If a company's total liabilities are $500,000 and its total assets are $800,000, what is its equity?


2. A product's price is increased by 15% to $92. What was the original price?


3. A business earns $1,200,000 in revenue and has a cost of goods sold (COGS) of $900,000. What is the gross profit margin?


4. An investment yields a 6% annual return. If $10,000 is invested, what will be the value of the investment after 4 years, assuming annual compounding?


5. A company has a return on investment (ROI) of 18%. If the initial investment was $200,000, what is the net profit?


6. If an entrepreneur owns 25% of a company and sells 5% of their shares, what percentage of the company do they now own?


7. A startup’s revenue is $500,000, and its total expenses are $400,000. What is the profit margin?


8. If a business's inventory turnover ratio is 4 and the cost of goods sold (COGS) is $200,000, what is the average inventory?


9. An entrepreneur invests $10,000 at an annual interest rate of 7%, compounded annually. What will be the value of the investment after 5 years?


10. If a company has a profit of $120,000 and pays taxes of $30,000, what is the net profit after tax?
