How to Attract Investors and Get Noticed for Your Startup: A Step-by-Step Strategy

Attracting investors doesn’t always have to involve a relentless pursuit. By strategically positioning yourself on platforms like AngelList, securing PR publications, and getting listed on Traction, you can create a situation where investors come to you.

How to Attract Investors and Get Noticed for Your Startup: A Step-by-Step Strategy
How to Attract Investors and Get Noticed for Your Startup: A Step-by-Step Strategy

Building a startup is a challenging yet exciting journey, and one of the most critical aspects of this journey is securing funding. However, attracting investors doesn’t always have to involve chasing after them. With the right strategy, you can position yourself and your startup in a way that investors will naturally gravitate toward you. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do just that.

1. List Yourself as a Recruiter on AngelList

Why AngelList? AngelList is a popular platform where startups, investors, and job seekers converge. By creating a profile here, you gain visibility within a network that includes potential investors, other entrepreneurs, and talent in the startup ecosystem.

How to Position Yourself: Instead of simply listing yourself as a founder, consider positioning yourself as a recruiter or talent scout. This approach offers a unique angle—it shows that you are not only a founder but also someone who understands the importance of building a strong team. This can attract the attention of investors who value leadership and team-building skills.

Steps to Get Started:

Create a compelling profile that highlights your experience, vision, and the problem your startup aims to solve.

Emphasize your role in recruiting top talent, which underscores your leadership qualities.

Engage with the AngelList community by following relevant startups, and investors, and participating in discussions.

2. Secure PR Publications

The Power of Media Exposure: Getting featured in reputable newspapers, online publications, and magazines can significantly boost your credibility. PR publications serve as third-party endorsements, making your startup more attractive to potential investors.

How to Get Featured:

Identify the Right Media Outlets: Focus on publications that cover entrepreneurial stories, startups, and industry-specific news.

Craft Your Story: Create a compelling narrative around your journey as a founder, the uniqueness of your product, and how your startup is set to make an impact. Highlight any achievements, milestones, or innovative approaches that set your business apart.

Reach Out: Contact journalists or editors with your story pitch. Be concise but compelling, focusing on what makes your startup newsworthy.

What to Expect: Once your story is published, it will not only enhance your credibility but also increase your visibility in the startup ecosystem. Investors often keep an eye on media coverage to spot emerging startups worth their attention.

3. Get Listed on Traction

What is Traction? Traction is a platform that tracks the growth of startups. Getting listed here can provide a verified source of your startup’s progress, which is highly attractive to investors.

Why It Matters: A listing on Traction is more than just a badge of honor; it’s a way to quantify your startup’s growth and potential. Investors use platforms like Traction to discover promising startups, making it easier for them to find and trust your venture.

Steps to Get Listed:

After securing PR, leverage that exposure to gain entry onto Traction.

Provide all necessary data and documentation to verify your startup’s growth.

Regularly update your profile on Traction to reflect new milestones and achievements.

Benefits of Being Listed: Being on Traction can lead to increased inquiries from investors who are actively searching for new opportunities. This proactive approach by investors can significantly reduce the time and effort you need to spend on fundraising.

4. Let VC Firms Come to You

How This Strategy Works: Once you’re listed on platforms like Traction, combined with the credibility from your PR publications, you’ll find that VC firms start to notice you. Many VC firms monitor these platforms and publications for the next big thing, meaning they could reach out to you first.

What to Do When Approached:

Be prepared with a solid pitch deck and business plan.

Clearly communicate your startup’s value proposition, growth strategy, and market potential.

Stay open to discussions, even if you’re not actively seeking funding at the moment. Building relationships with investors early can be beneficial down the line.

5. Share and Network

The Power of Networking: Networking isn’t just about connecting with potential investors; it’s also about sharing your journey with other founders and entrepreneurs. By doing so, you can gain referrals and advice, which can lead to new opportunities.

How to Network Effectively:

Attend industry events, startup conferences, and investor meetups.

Share your story and the strategies you’ve used to gain traction with others.

Offer help and advice to fellow entrepreneurs—what goes around, comes around.

Why Sharing Matters: By sharing your journey and this approach, you position yourself as a thought leader and a valuable member of the startup community. This not only strengthens your network but also increases the chances of being referred to investors who are looking for promising startups.


Attracting investors doesn’t always have to involve a relentless pursuit. By strategically positioning yourself on platforms like AngelList, securing PR publications, and getting listed on Traction, you can create a situation where investors come to you. Combine this with effective networking, and you’ll find that your startup gains the attention and funding it needs to grow, all without the typical stress of fundraising.